Reported Tennessee SightingsThe following list of Tennessee bigfoot sightings is provided here to demonstrate that Tennessee has a history of sightings of large, hairy, man-like apes. This information is reprinted from The Bigfoot Casebook by Janet and Colin Bord. This book is available on Amazon. A far more extensive database of Tennessee sighting reports can be found on the website of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. If you have ever encountered a sasquatch in any manner, i.e., saw footprints, heard strange vocalizations, or actually saw one, please SUBMIT A REPORT, no matter how long ago the incident took place and even if you have submitted a report to another sasquatch research organization. 1878--In Tennessee, 'Wild Man of the Woods' reportedly captured; 6 ft 5 in. tall, large eyes, 'fish scales' on the body. Exhibited in Louisville, KY. 1957--Near Jackson, James M. Meacham (15) shot repeatedly without effect at small ape. Sept. 1959--Clapps Chapel Road, near Knoxville, Earl Taylor and John Rosenbaum fired at Bigfoot which came up to house. Aug. 1965--In Rutherford County, Roy Hudson, Terry Ring, Dorris Barrett, Terry Lester saw 7-ft, reddish-brown Bigfoot with 3-in teeth and pug nose. Spring 1968--At Monteagle Mtn, Brenda Ann Adkins saw a 7-ft Bigfoot with nauseating odor come within 6 ft of her and stared at her before walking away. Oct. 1975--In Giles County, a farmer watched Bigfoot in barn kill calf by throwing it on ground. April 23, 1976--Near Flintville, two teenagers saw a bigfoot seen climbing bank at night. April 26, 1976--Near Flintville, mother Mrs. Jennie Robertson saw a bigfoot apparently attempt to pick up her son Gary Robertson (4); 6-man posse including Deputy Sheriff Homer Davis, Melvin Robertson and Stan Moore chased and shot at it. April 1976--Near Flintville, Bigfoot jumped on a woman's car roof and stole radio antenna. Early Sept. 1979--Near White House, Bill Cook, a farmer wrestled with slant-eyed Bigfoot which escaped; local reports of animal killings. Jan. 1980--In Nashville, Don Roberts saw broad-shouldered animal with rubber-like face run through field on two legs. Top of Page | |